Sunday, November 4, 2012

Why Are There No Democrats in This Blog?

The reason so many Republicans are featured in this blog has nothing to do with my politics. While my politics might color what I have to say about them, inclusion here has everything to do with how badly a politicians behaves-- and for a long time now Republicans have been trying to outcompete one another in bad behavior.

Be it ridiculous, racist, sexist, anti-science, anti-intellectual, anti-immigrant, anti-government, or just anti to be anti, this blog has been a parade of Republicans-- and deservedly so. And yet I've been able to cover so very little of this bad behavior!

I'm aware of some misbehavior on the part of Democrats, but it's just not been bad enough to see here-- not with we're in the midst of such a circus of buffoonery (although if Anthony Weiner's private part flashing had occurred during my watch I would have taken a poke at him if only because of his last name).

I recently had some correspondence with an old acquaintance. He was on about how bad a president Obama had been, accusing him of selling out Israel (big for him because of his Christian fate), ass-kissing and apologizing to other nations, not having fixed the economy, running up the national bedt, and being soft on terrorism, and being a deceitful liar.

I asked him to provide examples about the lying, and the best he could come up was that Obama was running again despite promising not to unless he brought the unemployment rate below 7%.


Just because Romney Romney says something doesn't mean it's true. In fact, if Romney says it, it's assuredly not true!

And Romney didn't say it. What he said in his 47% speech was that Obama had promised unemployment wouldn't exceed 8%-- which it certainly.

And Obama said no such thing.
Romney told donors he would win over waving voters by reminding them that Obama said "he'd keep employment below 8 percent." 
Obama didn't say that. Rather, his Council of Economic Adversers predicted that the stimulus would hold it to that level. Their report included heavy disclaimers that the projections had "significant margins of errors" and a high degree of uncertainty due to a recession that is "unusual both in its fundamental causes and its severity."
-- Politifact, 2012
And what if he had? How could that possibly make him duplicitious compared to the constellation of falsehoods that has come out of Mitt Romney's mouth during this campaign (and probably throughout his entire life)?

The reason it's impolitic to talk about religion and politics is that people tend to operate on the basis of their beliefs and to ignore facts. My friend will undoubtedly vote for Romney, but he should admit to himself it's on the basis of unfounded allegations about Obama and untested testimonials to Romney's character, history, and performance.

Me, I'll continue to trust, but verify.


Romney Says President Obama promised "he'd keep unemployment below 8%" if the stimulus passed. PolitiFact. Read it here.

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